throwback to grade 8, no? i've already had 3 comments about my increased height today, and it's not even noon. i really like her get-up in the first picture, too.
paul newman was my high school crush. i watched cat on a hot tin roof when i was 14 and quickly fell madly in love with him. he was a wonderful actor, family man, philanthropist and entrepreneur. he was all for 'shameless exploitation in pursuit of the common good'. on friday evening, he died at this longtime home, of complications arising from lung cancer.
russian nesting dolls, or matryoshka dolls. jasmine had some on the shelf in the living room when we lived together, and i've been looking to replace them ever since she moved out. if anyone has a line on these, let a sister know.
lego is celebrating 30 (!) years of making super radical toys by issuing a special celebrity collection. amy winehouse, madonna, posh & becks and even brad, angelina and the brand new twins have each been, in full detail, immortalized forever. in yellow plastic.
it's weird. i don't really feel crystal castles for the most part (what with all of the copyright infringement bullshit), but this song is a toe-tapper. and they're canadian, so i guess i'm doing my part for the community, here.
wish i could've put the picture up of the platforms by charles & keith that i am absolutely in love with, but alas, there were none available. these beauts will do for now.
kris got a hot pair of marc jacobs strappy heels yesterday, so now i've got my feelers out for new pair myself.
went to h&m with kris and bianca last night and snapped up some lace leggings, which i am extremely excited about. biankadunks is sitting on the fence, but i am confident i can sort my shit out in them.
this week's 'it girl' status is bestowed upon none other than new wave club mistress, queen of androgyny and muse to andy warhol, the stunning grace jones. her vocal range spans two and a half octaves, and her film career is into it's fourth decade.
nagi noda was a japanese pop artist and director. some of her recent avant garde productions include the above, 'hearts on fire' cut copy video, the scissor sisters video, 'she's my man', and music videos for electronic artist, tiga. she also created commercials and advertisements for nike, panasonic, coca cola and igoogle, as well as doing some really unique and creative styling for photography, art installations and performance pieces.
she passed away last sunday, september 7th, after surgical complications from injuries sustained in a traffic accident the previous year. she was 35. much too young.
screen lengend and beauty, isabella rossellini, in conjunction with the sundance channel, has a new offering: green porno. they are a series of eight very short films conceived, written, co-directed by and featuring rossellini, about the (often amazing and unsettling) sex life of bugs.
lynn yaeger is a neat lady. she lives in nyc and writes for the style section of the village voice. she is also a regular contributor to the new york times style section.
perhaps she is most identifiable by her signature powdered face, rouge-spotted cheeks and dark, cupid's-bow lipstick, but her tongue-in-cheek writing is nothing to shake a stick at.
autumn has got my feathers ruffled. bought a lovely hairpiece for leah as a going away present. and then just had to get one for myself. sally jane set my heart aflutter.. fall is all dark stockings and rosy cheeks.
our friends at gnarcore waxed poetic yesterday evening about stephen harper's right(reich?)-handed axe to arts funding. that's 14.5 million dollars less for the development of creative mind and outlets for their process, across the country. 'promart', the domestic touring subsidization program, as well as 'trade routes', the program that 'helps promote cultural exports abroad', are both getting wasted under this new policy.
the conservative government has chosen to blame it on this band. pitchfork media has written a great article about this bullshit and how holy fuck has been pegged as the scapegoat, basically, because of their name. and these dudes are currently touring with bloc party. nice one, harper, you douche.
this week's it girl is none other than one of the most adventurous ladies of leisure of all time, amelia earhart.
without a doubt, she popularized and pioneered the equestrian look for north american women in the 1930's, and actually had her own clothing line that was sold at macy's department store.
clean, classic, tailored, and fully functional elegance. this one's for you, yaya.